Friday, May 20, 2011
all my life
All my life.. Reunion of my high school makes me remember all the sweet sour memories when I'm with my buddies. Enjoy laa guys hangout with you guys. I'll remember it :) let's do it more. (Ape pun tak buleh, alaakk alak alak..) Haha. total guys yang hangout sekali=7 all together. Place=pee dee batu 4. :)
Monday, May 9, 2011
fast to furious 5 . include today, there been 5 days tiket asyik penuh jee. me and my buddies can't see the the movie. so, sad. :( . but look at the bright side, we can save our moneys on other important things such that, we can spent on food or what so ever. but still, nak tengok jugak cite tu. if not i'll be frustrated. :( waaaaa~
be cool man. hish, apa la abdil haiyan ni. dah dah, aku dah merepek. hem, back to the movie things, wish me luck for tomorrow ticket. hope ada la ticket esok.
nyte guys. :D
be cool man. hish, apa la abdil haiyan ni. dah dah, aku dah merepek. hem, back to the movie things, wish me luck for tomorrow ticket. hope ada la ticket esok.
nyte guys. :D
Sunday, May 8, 2011
first of all, happy mother's day to all mothers on the earth. i donno what to say actually, just updating my blog . this 1st june i've got practical job in seremban. during that time, what is playin in my mind is, that i'm goin to do two jobs in a day. im curious to know how is it feel to do two jobs in one day. this idea came from my friend. i called him k' . k' suggestin me to work at jusco's shopppin complex at FOS store. after doing some thinking. ive decided to do the jobs in a day. morning practicalling and in afternoon FOS store. not confirm yet either to work there or not. it'll be a second thought though. haha. i think i'll survive for a week. it'll be tiring. all my body will go loose. just wanna know how it feel hard to get a money. so, i'll learn to appreciate things more. wish me luck.
hope you guys (my dais's friend) will get through this practical things successfully.
wanna know something, i'm tired of being bored. so, gimme an idea what to do that fun and not involving money. cause i'm going save it for something else. :D will update more.
give comments. sorry cause not updating my blog a lot.
i'm lazy person. -__-''
will update more soon.
hope you guys (my dais's friend) will get through this practical things successfully.
wanna know something, i'm tired of being bored. so, gimme an idea what to do that fun and not involving money. cause i'm going save it for something else. :D will update more.
give comments. sorry cause not updating my blog a lot.
i'm lazy person. -__-''
will update more soon.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
its been while since my last updated status
its been while since my last updated status. rite guys. sorry. it is because my lappy get broke . so, im not having enough time to write my blog. hem. :( today, i'm going to tell you guys bout my friend's girlfriend. we call her sasa. donno why. i'm just follow my friend by callin her sasa. haha. her family sangat sporting. siap ada sesi ucapan bagai. macam semangat pun ada jugak. but still they have a great family. seronok lepak dengan family die. but the most worst part is entering her house . sasa's house sangat sangat scary. her house's environment penuh dengan hutan jee. sampai theft can come easily to their house. siap bagi salam laa. cause their house sangat sunyi. nak buat suprise tu pun fikir due kali. haha. moment nak buat suprise tu kiteorang hidin' behind their mommy's mercedes. sangat kelakar. siap hidin' semua. penuh dengan agenda hidin je laa. lepas hidin behind mercedes tu. hidin lagi inside their house. belakang tabir. hish! -___-' pening betul layan member aku sorang ni. tak pela as long die happy. haiyooo. :D happy birthday to sasa.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
being busy lately
sorry since so long i'm not updating my blog. so, nothing to read. it is cause i'm busy with my final paper examination. hate to say this. but i think my final paper's result will be a disaster. shit! i x boleh answer all the question that being given to me. it is because i haven't read and do exercises. :( very very regret mood now. hish!what if i fail for this semester examination. i don't want to repeat any paper. cause this semester subject i dislike it. hmph! tak suke subjek sem ni. wish me tak repeat sem ni yee rakan rakan. sayang korang. :D
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Emptiness Will Haunt You
the title doesn't related with any of my story. like always the title sound wonderful and scary. haha. macam mana tu. hem, i wanna tell you alls that my classes end today. from now on. i just need to face book for 24 hours. need to start study earlier. cause gap between all my final paper maximum pun 2 days jee. little rite. :D walau pun happy face. dalam hati tuhan jee yang tahu kann. hem, tawakal je la banyak banyak. need a lot of support to study cause lately sifat malas i have increasing to the paling maximum punye position. hish -__-" ! macam mane ni?! also, my emotion cannot dibendung lagi. this semester i have 5 final papers to take. how ever. i'll try harder to get 3.5 and above in order to make my mom happy. she helped me with a lot of things lately. i rasa sangat serba salah with her. pray for me kay you alls. :D
need to rush for my blackberry to. but i think it will only be in my dream je laa kot kan. cause i have no confidence that i'll get my 4 pointer. only in dream je laa der. haha. wish me luck for my finals kay. i'll work harder.
need to rush for my blackberry to. but i think it will only be in my dream je laa kot kan. cause i have no confidence that i'll get my 4 pointer. only in dream je laa der. haha. wish me luck for my finals kay. i'll work harder.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
is it true that being hacked made somebody's facebook more famous! i think it is not. cause being famous not let somebody making fun of you with annoying status. is there anyone of my blogger readers think it'll give any advantage of being hacked. if there is. please give comments on that and tell us what the advantages is. :D
this week je dah empat kali kene hacked. menyampah den. donno what to tell people anymore. they keep thinking i post that annoys status. 'i being hacked' always appear at my comments. still they don't believe it. but this hacking things taught me something, that was, to always logout from your facebook after finished with it. p/s: to those who have the same situation as me or those who not, take this as advise. logout your facebook after finished. if not, you'll regret for the rest of your life for not listening. ;D
this week je dah empat kali kene hacked. menyampah den. donno what to tell people anymore. they keep thinking i post that annoys status. 'i being hacked' always appear at my comments. still they don't believe it. but this hacking things taught me something, that was, to always logout from your facebook after finished with it. p/s: to those who have the same situation as me or those who not, take this as advise. logout your facebook after finished. if not, you'll regret for the rest of your life for not listening. ;D
Friday, April 8, 2011
one of my friends got to reshoot back their video. so sad ma! after one day shooting without rest unfortunately, they need to take back a new video. this is because the video is pecah-pecah and their voice is not clear enough. my friends here is really work hard on it to get good marks. i'm adore their hardworking. >_< this video is for their assignment. so, lets us pray that they will get their video assignment done by today. p/s: for your information. i'm their cameraman for about one and a half scenes. hahaha.
Friday, April 1, 2011
The Good, The Bad and the Just Plain Dumb
I am not a dumb boy.
I am ignorant about many things, but I am certainly notdumb.
Sometimes I do dumb things.
Maharaja Lawak (week first)
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Tali Pinggang Kalender |
Miracles Does Happen
anyone know what is miracles? miracles is any amazing or wonderful occurrence. or in the hard word, an unexpected event attributed to divine intervention. wah! x hard mana la kan. i like miracles. nope, love them. miracles happen to certain-certain people. there is good miracles and bad miracles. same as good news or bad news. if you got the good one. means that luck just beside you. miracle happen to me. what it is? of course you all wondering what is the miracle that happen to me rite. shhhh... don't tell anyone. only to be acknowledge it to my beloved bloggers. '^_^ pening betul la abdil haiyan ni. ish2. hem, the miracle is that...
My Mom
perasaan when i was with my mom is come directly to me. it is quite long since that feeling come into in my heart. now, it comes again. grateful to Allah for let me feel it once again. p/s: i love my mom sooo much. actually, i don't have any topics to talk about. so, why not i tell you some about my mom. she is the most sporting woman i've ever known. she love me even i treat her badly. now, i love her even she treat me badly. if that ever happen. i think she would not do such things. she always making me happy. my smiles never go away every time i'm with her. i'm glad that i've get the bestest mom in the world. she is one of the 'guru cemerlang' in Malaysia. currently, she is teaching at smap labu school. sekolah berasrama penuh at labu, near nilai. alrite, that's all i think. i'm really bad at expressing my feelings. only certain people like my mom knows me well. only my mom knows my feeling even though i don't express it to her. i don't know how she do it. it is MIRACLE.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Zooming To The Next Year


She Scold Me After She Saw Me Taking Her Picture

Like Father Like Son

Pon! Pon!

Shy Lil Girl

Let People Know How Cute You Are

Akak su hold je, tirah terus nangis. Ish2.

Brother Taking Care Her Lil' Sister

Nice Expression Kid!

Twin Sis and Bro Different Faces

Sunday, March 27, 2011
Read this, Important !
Semalam, siaran RTM di Negeri Pahang.Tergempar ramai orang terdengar bunyi dentuman yang sangat kuat di susuli gempa bumi selama 3 minit, mungkin ini tanda2nya.
Kepada semua yang bergelar Muslim,
hari nie pakar meteorologi bahagian bunyi dari Rusia mendapati sesuatu bunyi ganjil spt ngauman raksasa dr bwh mantel bumi. Menurut para ulama kemungkinan besar itu ialah suara Dajjal yang berusaha utk naik ke muka bumi.
Oleh itu, kita disuruh sentiasa tidak berhenti Azan dan Solat.
1. POKEMON bermaksud saya yahudi
2. PIKACHU bermaksud jadilah seorang yahudi.
3. CHARMANDER bermaksud ALLAH itu lemahnauzubilla.
Kepada sesiapa yang mempunyai Bobba Messenger (ym), tolong jangan add id dia.
BOBBA, dia hanya cuba nak memurtadkan orang Islam.
p/s : Tolong sebarkan kpd umat ISLAM yang lain.
Amanah! Wallahualam.
but, kita yang menentukan diri kita.
_not edited by VanillaBar_
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Aira Birthday Party
Lulu yang senantiasa happy! and her friend that don't like her face to be shoot by my camera. haha
naughty girl that love to put cream cake to people face. now die pulak afraid to be putting cake to her face. padan muke! haha :D
begitu khusyuk sekali mengusha girls that pass by. haha :P
eycah, my assistant on taking all these photos, while i'm eating that delicious cake. mmmmm :D
sampai comot2 mohd. helmi makan. haha. sooo cute. :P
mukorn and comot so concentrate on cutting the cake
Thursday, March 17, 2011
My unforgotten SARANGHAE
posted by VanillaBar. Saranghae, the most beautiful and important word to me. Saranghae is my life. Saranghae teach me everything about life, about world, about global, about everything. Love them all so much. Saranghae consists of 4 guys. Including me myself. Nabil Saranghae, Helmi Saranghae, Akmal Saranghae, Abdil Saranghae. Memang nampak macam semangat. I dont care anymore about what people would said about me. I love them so much. if 'they' talk nonsenses about me and my saranghae. i don't care. because i know it won't give any advantages. just let it be. they'll just get bored. miss my memories with saranghae. every time i go back remembering those memories i'll feel sebak sangat. hehe. our excitement, laughing, crying, sadness, fun, enjoyment, silentness, craziness, mistake, all of them. i miss them. nothing more fun than them. ill think about them every day and night. i just can't get enough from them. i want more. more love, more sad, more happiness. Thank you soo much to Nabil Rau'f, Helmi and Akmal because open my mind even wider to see what really happen. and teach me to be more mature. :D love u all. till my next post.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Bowling Tourney Faculty (D'AIS)
-Piece Yo-
At this tourney, D'AIS boys loose at fifth place. Even though we loose, we lose with pride and style. For the girls group, they have won at first place. Excellent game that night. Every one gave their full strength and commitment. Adlin, one of sukma's candidates, gave three strikes at last minute competition. Isn't she cool. Even though in the last moment she still gave her commitment in this game. :D Wan, our senior(abd Faisal) not bad jugak. He got many strikes. Hebat kan! We all having fun that night. I as their photographer will show you all some photos that i take. These two girls who gila photo. Have many pictures of them. So, don't complaint. They just had their time. :) These some of photos that i took during the events. Enjoy.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Crazy Time
Because of nothing to do, we take as many pictures as we can in the house. Using Nikon camera D90. Our house mate's camera. Next to me is Mohd Faisal. My partner in HotDogBlackPepper business. It's nothing compare to big business. I like this photo. Because it's look different. We draw the "fuck you" using only dust left on the mirror. Actually, we don't expect it to draw it and take a pictures. Mohd Faisal draw it and at that i was taking my other friend's picture. Saw a good opportunity of a good picture i snap it as many as i can. And the result is as you can see up there. Wait till my next photo. I think imma change my ambitious lo. Imma be a photographer la. Sound like fun though. :D Till my next post.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
MMMMM... test.. test.. test.. next week full with test. "pisheng". that's what my fren always said if you get mess up thinking about something. now i feel like my brain is going to explode thinking about next week tests. A lot. Bukan nye due satu. But total three of them. Shit! go to hell la tests. makes my life terrible and disaster. Feel like nak bawak toyol je. Is it a good idea. Hem, donno la. Need to put some story about me, sorry. :D Cool, brilliant, genius, tall, good shape. How gonna put all that character in me. i need to be graceful to Allah. But i'm desperately need all that character to increase my confidence. Any idea you alls? Okay enough about me. My mentor is my own uncle. He works in very big company. He a nice guy. Ordinary guy just like other people. But he got characters that i like to copy and paste in me. He like help people. Never forget where he come from. He always put his family infront first. Thats what an attitude that i like the most. He always told me to put family first before anything. Make family a treasure. Guard them, care them, love them like we love money or anything valuable to us. Family is the greatest bonding ever. It is not easy though. Even now, i'm still learning and teach myself to make my family, my pearl, my everything. I miss my family. Sorry emo. Till my next post. See ya! :D
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Hangout Dekat Rumah Besar Saifuddin and Hanif

This place is so sunyi. Sunyi sangat than our 'banglo'. Feels like i'm in the ghost house. There are a lot of differences between our 'banglo' and Saifuddin house. First i came in the house, there is a kitten tengah menyusu dengan their mom. So adorable. Rase nak picit2 je perut kitten tu. Brown plus orange = colour kitten tersebut. Donno what the colour might be callin. But it is cute. If Mukorn was here and saw the kitten. He would say to me " comelnye, kite bawak balik jom." Because die love them soo much. I donno why. But my banglomate, Mukorn really obsess with cat. Not the bad one. The good obsess. He said to me that if he see a cat fight with a dog. He would pukul habis-habis the dog. He would rather the dog die than he cat. Begitu sayangnye Mukorn toward cats. :D I love his attitude. Lot of love in him. Back to my story about the house, there is a play station two in this house. That's why i come here. To play the PS2. But i forgot that my frenz have a test tomorrow. To bad, i just can play sekejap je. But at least i've accomplish my goal. Visiting frenz house. Yela, asyik2 hanif and Saifuddin je yang come to our 'banglo' but kiteorang x datang pun rumah dieorang. So, i as wakil rumah. Come to their house. Sweetkan. Their house ade dapur and fridge taw. Make their house even more special. Kalau nak masak or simpan food that need to be cold senang. High possibility that our house to akan ade fridge. Just maybe though. Not a guarantee. Wait for kata sepakat satu 'banglo'. Oh! i forgot to tell you alls that i datang rumah dieorang ni pun nak accompany dieorang. Because in this house just ade Hanif and Saifuddin je. The others go back home. To visit their parent. Lastly,i'm sorry for my language in this post. Rojak buah right. I'm practicing in my english writtin. Bila lagi nak study if not now right. Sambil menyelam sambil minum air. But for the english one. I donno. Sorry. If there is no mistake during our study, that is not study but bullshit. So, make as many mistake as you can, so that we can tempuh every difficulties out there in the real world. We will become mature than ever. MYOB (Mind Your Own Business) Till my next post.♥
P/S:the picture doesn't have any relationship with my story just for fun. :D see ya!
Saturday Night
My Girlfriend is Guminho.

The best, cutest, funniest and saddest movie ever. It have been one thousand repeating, just to see the part where the girl with white dress (gumiho) said "nomu3.. coa hae.." and she did something with her finger and eye while saying that words. It is witchy you know. What she had done to the man. About the way she said those words. If i was the man whom the girl said to. I'll be bewitch by her. Just because she saying those words like that. So adorable, so cute that i'm gonna faint in my mother arms. Because those words remind me of her. Nomu3.. coa hae.. mom.. I like you soo much mom. And i love you soo much mom. You all need to see the story of 'My Girlfriend is Guminho'. You won't regret it. Trust me. It is addictive though. About my mom. Its just something that i wanna express with. Even though, i still nomu3.. coa hae.. my mom so much. Watch it okay! Till my next post.
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