This place is so sunyi. Sunyi sangat than our 'banglo'. Feels like i'm in the ghost house. There are a lot of differences between our 'banglo' and Saifuddin house. First i came in the house, there is a kitten tengah menyusu dengan their mom. So adorable. Rase nak picit2 je perut kitten tu. Brown plus orange = colour kitten tersebut. Donno what the colour might be callin. But it is cute. If Mukorn was here and saw the kitten. He would say to me " comelnye, kite bawak balik jom." Because die love them soo much. I donno why. But my banglomate, Mukorn really obsess with cat. Not the bad one. The good obsess. He said to me that if he see a cat fight with a dog. He would pukul habis-habis the dog. He would rather the dog die than he cat. Begitu sayangnye Mukorn toward cats. :D I love his attitude. Lot of love in him. Back to my story about the house, there is a play station two in this house. That's why i come here. To play the PS2. But i forgot that my frenz have a test tomorrow. To bad, i just can play sekejap je. But at least i've accomplish my goal. Visiting frenz house. Yela, asyik2 hanif and Saifuddin je yang come to our 'banglo' but kiteorang x datang pun rumah dieorang. So, i as wakil rumah. Come to their house. Sweetkan. Their house ade dapur and fridge taw. Make their house even more special. Kalau nak masak or simpan food that need to be cold senang. High possibility that our house to akan ade fridge. Just maybe though. Not a guarantee. Wait for kata sepakat satu 'banglo'. Oh! i forgot to tell you alls that i datang rumah dieorang ni pun nak accompany dieorang. Because in this house just ade Hanif and Saifuddin je. The others go back home. To visit their parent. Lastly,i'm sorry for my language in this post. Rojak buah right. I'm practicing in my english writtin. Bila lagi nak study if not now right. Sambil menyelam sambil minum air. But for the english one. I donno. Sorry. If there is no mistake during our study, that is not study but bullshit. So, make as many mistake as you can, so that we can tempuh every difficulties out there in the real world. We will become mature than ever. MYOB (Mind Your Own Business) Till my next post.♥
P/S:the picture doesn't have any relationship with my story just for fun. :D see ya!
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