Tali Pinggang Kalender |
maharaja lawak is one of fun and enjoying reality tv show. just now i watch them. nabil raja lawak new joke. 'tali pinggang kalendar'. hahaha. funny rite. wtf! tali pinggang calender. he said that if you wanna go to pee, you can pee anywhere. what should you do is just close them with the calender so that people that pass by wouldn't see what are you doing. if nak kantoi tu. pretend la like you reading the calender. they will thought that you are reading map to go somewhere. haha. xboleh bla lawak die. pecah perut gelak. and lot more la. u alls need to see the way they alls make the jokes. full with style. seriously watch la kat youtube or wat so ever. don't miss it. can't wait for next week jokes. one of my friend tell me that she does't like reality tv show. i asked her why. she said that it is annoying to watch people memperbodohkan diri mereka. i thought it differently. they are enjoying their acting we enjoy watching them acting. as long enjoyment exist. i wont mind to watch it. :D
what you alls opinion on this maharaja lawak reality show? post a sanctuary (comments) down here.
lalalalala~ thank you for you alls time.
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